Friday, June 10, 2011

ode to coffee

the very worst thing that can happen on an early morning, is when you make an amazing cup of costa rican coffee, set your mug down because it's too hot, only to remember twenty minutes later that you made an amazing cup of coffee.... and now it's cold.


  1. That is really horrible. I hate it when that happens. If I don't use the timer for my French Press, I've been known to leave it there, unpressed, until I start wandering around, wondering where my coffee went. I guess it just goes to show that we NEED our coffee!

  2. :D I've actually learned to like my coffee and tea like that.
    Oh, and then there's the other side to that: You have iced coffee and forget it, and all the ice cubes melt, and you end up with a barely cool-ish watery cup of coffee.. =P

  3. Um, maybe that's a sign from God that you shouldn't be drinking it . . . ;) mm

  4. oh yes, i do agree. Most terrible. :)


Thanks for your thought(s)! It means a lot. :)