Monday, March 28, 2011

guys, work, and pillow pets

Simply put, God has been teaching me what I need to go after. It's Him. Him alone. I was thinking about marriage, and thinking that I really hope I marry a man who isn't searching for a wife. I want to marry a man who is searching for a deeper relationship with God. Then I was thinking, if I want to marry a man like that, wouldn't he want to marry a gal like that? Yes. So I need to search for a deeper relationship with God, and if God brings a guy along and says "you two can better serve me together" - then I should marry him. Otherwise, really knowing and loving my Savior is oh-so-much-more important. That's what God has been teaching me lately.

This Thursday is my last day as a US Senate intern. I'm so sad. Well, it's bittersweet, I suppose. I love working there, I love the people I work with, I love the people I serve - I just love it. But it will be nice to be with my family more, and it will be nice to have a little more free time. Just have to say though, I wouldn't have traded that experience for the world. I mean - when I started the job, I didn't know what a constituent was or how to spell it. I didn't know what a liaison was - or how to spell that either! So I could say I've learned a lot. ;)

What else did I want to say.... oh yes. (not that anyone will actually read this far, but I want to write it anyways) I submitted my last essay for school... forever. :) All I have left are two finals (which will be so easy, my cat could take them) - then I'm done. I'll have graduated!! It's really exciting. I woke up Sunday morning and thought "ah! Sunday. I'm not doing anything - perfect day to catch up on school. .... Wait. .... I don't have any school to do. WAHOO!!!" :D And I decided what my graduation present to myself will be. A pillow pet. 


  1. Beautiful sentiments. mm

  2. India,

    Your thoughts about marriage are some I have really been pondering this week. Not that I never did before, but I was just reminded of them. Awesomesauce! Thanks for sharing, I felt as I was reading that God was saying, "See that, were you listening earlier? If not, I'll tell you again." :)


Thanks for your thought(s)! It means a lot. :)