Monday, December 6, 2010

Israeli Proverbs

I love Israel. The land, the people, the culture, the food, the history... the fact that God chose them for His very own. Most Israelis think that all Americans hate Israel. (I know, because I have good friends that live there) How sad is that? What have we done to make Israel think that we don't love them? There are probably many reasons - which I won't go into here and now. But just for the record, and for anyone from Israel that's reading this - I LOVE ISRAEL! And I know other Americans who do as well.

I came across a site full of Israeli Proverbs today. Some of them are just so great! Here are my favorites: 

-People make plans and God laughs.
-Let a good man do good deeds with the same zeal that the evil man does bad ones.
-Never trust the man who tells you all his troubles but keeps from you all his joys.
-Where two Jews, three opinions.
-Worries go down better with soup.
-The favorite place of God is in the heart of man.
-Don't approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side.
-If there is bitterness in the heart, sugar in the mouth won't make life sweeter.
-One of life's greatest mysteries is how the boy who wasn't good enough to marry your daughter can be the father of the smartest grandchild in the world.

Aren't those just great?! I had a good laugh over a few of them... especially the last. :D 


Thanks for your thought(s)! It means a lot. :)