Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well everyone, as of yesterday, April 3rd...... I'M FINALLY 18!!! *does a happy dance* I've been waiting to be 18 for, well, as long as I can remember. You may ask why this is so monumental... so here are the things I have been looking forward to:

  • I can get my very own eBay account!!!!
  • I can get my very own Blockbuster account!!! (although I highly doubt I will do this anyways)
  • I can register to vote!!!!! (can't wait to get home and do that) 
  • I'm now an adult. (according to the world... I suppose :P )
(yeah, go ahead and laugh) So, let's see... my day went like this. Woke up, my dear family wished me happy birthday, then headed outside to play some football with my brothers. I received my first present of the day... a wonderful cut on the inside of my mouth. It's my own fault, I didn't catch the ball that Ezra threw to me.... and it smacked me right in the face. Then, had lunch (which was not fun at all, based on the new present inside my mouth), and headed over to do Torah study with four other wonderful families. That was really great... there isn't anything like studying Scripture with other believers. After that, one of my dearest friends and I went for a long walk, talking about anything and everything.... where I received my second present of the day - a sunburn. (we were in Kentucky, and no, it doesn't take much for me to burn). THEN! The coolest part of the day - a bunch of people (mostly my age) all gathered together on the grass with various music players and speakers to do some awesome Israeli dancing!!!!!! I haven't danced like that in a long time, and it was SO great. We spend hours doing that - then ate supper, listened to some great teaching, and went to bed. Aaah what a great day. 

Now, to appease y'all's curiosity, the Israeli dancing we did was like this. (see link below) Total AWESOMENESS!!! Sadly, we didn't have the costumes these guys did.... but the dance we did is the same. 

(teaser: coming up tomorrow... a new thing I'm starting called "Music Mondays" be sure to check back... cause it's gonna be cool)
(oh, and, thanks for voting in my poll if you did!! I think I'll stick with the new name :D )


  1. Sounds like a really fun birthday. Happy belated birthday by the way. I pray that God will bless this next year of your life as you have blessed those around you.

  2. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Happy, happy happy birthday!!! Too bad we had to run that morning before I could wish you "many happy returns of the day"......actually we left directly from the Shabbat dinner, around 11pm. :)

  4. Thanks Aaron, Kali and Jo!

    @ Jo: yeah I was sad we missed each other saying goodbye. Hope you all had a safe trip home - and it was simply wonderful to see you!! :)


Thanks for your thought(s)! It means a lot. :)