Friday, January 21, 2011

The List

Alrighty - first post of the weekend! More to come. 8-) 

My good friend Hattie and I were talking about taking a trip, and she suggested we make a list of our top 5 places we'd want to go and compare the lists. Figured instead of just emailing it to her, I might as well turn it into a blog post! So here goes. 

5) Slovenia. My Mom has a really good friend that lives there - and from the pictures I've seen - it's absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!! And there are these cute little towns all over, cobblestone streets.... that would be amazing to see.

4) England. Wow - England has sooo many cool things. London (and everything it holds!) - the infamous English countryside - Stonehenge - all the gardens you hear about that are just lovely.... *happy sigh* :) 

3) Rome/Greece. I love architecture. I want to get my picture taken beside the Colosseum. I want to stand beside on of those huge Parthenon columns. Oooh the photographer in me is getting all jittery just thinking about it!

2) India - more specifically - the Taj Mahal. Wouldn't you want to visit the place that inspired your name? That would be awesome! Plus, almost everyone in India is vegetarian..... and that would just be incredible. (right, Hattie? :D ) 

1) My top place to visit would be Israel. Not to mention the fact that I have some good friends that live there - but how amazing would it be to see the places that we can only read about? And it's not just any book we read it in... it's the Bible. AAH!! So yeah, Israel is my top place to visit. 

And I left off so many things... now I just need to keep saving my pennies! 


  1. I've always wanted to go to England too.. It always seems like it's raining there.. haha
    My top place (well, "2" top places) would be Africa and Germany.

  2. Oh yes. Israel would probably be my top pick too!

  3. My list is in the mail dearie! {I should have just emailed it, but I decided to include it in a letter} But here are my picks, same as in the letter you're about to get : P

    *The Taj Mahal in Agra, India
    *Buenos Aires, Argentina
    *Istanbul, Turkey
    *The Louvre in Paris, France
    *Venice, Italy

    Yeah, I know it's more than 5.... but I couldn't stop! Slovenia sounds wonderful!!! When we had television I used to watch Rick Steve's Europe every single Sunday on PBS, and I believe he did a special on Slovenia once. I'm all for it <3


  4. When you decide to go, can I go with you? . . .
    :) mm


Thanks for your thought(s)! It means a lot. :)